Just do it — As Nike+ did with Gamification

Let’s be honest, competitive games are so much fun! If you look back, your most enjoyable moments were probably spent playing a game or two with family or friends. You probably competed fiercely with each other during such times, albeit in a fun sort of way. And of course, these competitions were so much more gratifying if you actually did win!! There is a reason why you had a great time then. Competition plays an important factor in the human evolutionary process. The instinct for survival drives most of the animal kingdom to compete with each other for resources. Therefore competing is a biological trait that has evolved for the survival of the fittest. Throughout human history, people have been organizing competitions in one form or another, from the ancient Greek Olympic Games (going back as far as 776 BC) to modern day football FIFA World Cup. In fact, when you look closely, you’ll notice that competition is everywhere in modern society. Economists even promote competit...