6 things you should know about UX

6 things you should know about UX

6 things you should know about UX
User Experience has become an important aspect of creating digital products — let that be a website or a platform that you are launching. If you go across job sites, you will see a large number of jobs pertaining to user experience design, visual design, user researcher and more. The demand of UX designers is not limited to just the IT industry.Even manufacturing, pharmacy, auto, telecom and most other industry segments are looking for UX designers. What is it about the field of UX design that it has become as kill most sought for across all of these different industries?
UX Design is about making digital products
UX design is about making digital products. It is about understanding the needs ofthe users, creating a product roadmap based on these user needs and thenimplementing the principles of UX design so that you get easy to use, simpleproduct. Today, most companies are using the principles of UX design to createdifferent digital products. If a bank needs to create a mobile banking or automotivecompany wants software for their dealers, UX comes into play.
Difference between Interaction design and visual design
UX design field is broadly divided in three categories — interaction designer (alsocalled UX designer), Visual designer (also called a UI designer) and a user researcher.An interaction designer is the one who works on the efficiency of the digital product being created. Tools like task analysis and customer journey mapping are used to bring efficiency into the digital product. A visual designer works on the aesthetics,fonts, use of words that the user understands. A bookmyshow app which helps you buy movie tickets in a few simple steps is the work of an Interaction Designer. When the user chooses the ticket to be bought, it shows a bike for two and an autorickshaw for three to increase memorability. This is the job of the visual designer.


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