What Kind Of Career Options Are Available After 12th?
We surf through the web going through millions of websites. We access tonnes of information in just a few clicks. With the advent of the internet, every information we could ever need just a blink away. For example, suppose you wish to look for career options in design after Class 12th, with just one click. In that case, you’ll receive hundreds of webpages giving you all the information from eligibility to fees structure and much more in the most organized and attractive manner possible.
However, what we don’t see is the team of people who are gathering all this information and putting it in a certain way for your better understanding. And this is where the UX/UI design comes into the picture. Every website has a strong team of UX/UI designers who build the websites and organize the content in a way that makes your job easier to understand and gather information. They are the gap between human psychology and computer-human interaction. They ensure that everything you see is easy, convenient, accessible and pleasing to the human eye. A UX Designer is trained to understand and study human behaviour with a specific type of technology and then upgrade the content accordingly.
This makes the UX/UI Designing as the perfect career option for all the creative buds! If you have a knack of creativity within you, and you believe that your design skills can bring a change, UX/UI Design is exactly the career you need.
What Is UX/UI Design?
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design are two different things which may or may not be done by the same person. However, the goal of both the streams is to ensure that the outcome is simple to understand, easy to operate and appealing enough to catch attention.
UI Design is more inclined toward the visuals of the website and deals with the graphics, colour scheming and the appealing effects of the product. For example, the colours to be used for a particular website, where the colours will be placed and what icons or graphics should be used and where to get the user’s attention, all come under the User Interface.
At the same time, UX Design focuses on the technical, accessibility and user’s experience towards the website. A UX Designer will work on the way people will use their app or the website and what kind of experience they’d have. A designer would work on the values and the motivation that would make the target audience access their website. And around this information, they build the end product.
Why Is UX/UI Important For A Business Or A Website To Grow?
With changing technologies, if your brand is not available on the internet, it’s kind of not available for your customers either. And when you are over the internet, you’d need a website for your business to grow and reach the right audience. Therefore, you need a good website or an app to bring in customers which can only be achieved when you have a good UX/UI Designer by your side. They will help you accomplish the following goals:
Favourable Image
If you have a good website or app available for your customers, and it is easy to use, it would create an image for your brand as reliable and organized. It would help your brand to create an excellent first impression within the customers.
Direct The Audience
A well-designed website is not only appealing to the customers but also ensures that they are directed to the next step at every point. The customer shouldn’t be left blank after a specific step for them to figure out what to do next. It maintains a flow of action throughout, and a good UX/UI design will help you achieve the same.
Better User Interaction
If your website is interactive and easy to access, the customer or the user is most likely to come back.
These are just a few ways as to how a good UX/UI Design will help a website and business to grow. And because of this, UX/UI as a career is increasing across the world. Many companies, even in India, are hiring UX/UI Designers to surpass their competition in the digital world.
How To Become A UX/UI Designer in India?
To become a UX/UI designer, all you need is the essential qualification. If you have just cleared your class 12th, all you have to do is apply to universities offering UX/UI Design course in Bachelor’s degree, and once you have clarified your documents, you are good to start the course.
We at ImaginXP have a collaboration with various renowned universities like Chitkara University, DIT University, Jagran Lake University, Sandip University, Mody University and many more. You can even start your career in UX/UI design after you have completed your Bachelor’s degree in some other course. At the same time, Imaginxp also offers short courses.
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