Design thinking is a team sport. Its like football, you can’t play it alone!
Design thinking is a team sport. Its like football, you can’t play it alone!
There has been no better tool, no better thought process than Design thinking to adopt to change. Changing users, changing market, changing competition, changing ecosystem — in business nothing is constant. The dynamism has become a nature of the business and many successful leaders have understood it. Those who thrive are the ones that have implemented Design Thinking to battle this change.
Now design thinking is a thought process. It is an organisation wide culture change. Quite similar to Total Quality Management(TQM) in the 80s or the Six Sigma in the 90s. Both TQM and Six Sigma are methods, processes and collective consciousness of the company in bringing a continuous improvement in production. As TQM and Six Sigma required — first training and then process changes across organisation — that is what design thinking will be requiring now.
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