Design thinking needs to challenge conventional thought process. That’s when innovation happens

Design thinking needs to challenge conventional thought process. That’s when innovation happens
Design thinking is a tool being used by various leaders to challenge the conventional in the organization. The biggest challenge of a new leader is how to change the norm, how to ask basic questions like why are we doing a particular process, simple things that are generally forgotten under protocol and bureaucracy. And this is where a new CEO or a new head of digital uses design thinking to bring the focus back on the major problem — the ones that are faced by the end user.
Hence it is advised to do a design thinking workshop at the start of a new team or a new leadership. Design thinking being collaborative needs to have the right set of people in the room to participate. All stakeholders being affected by the digital process should be part of the workshop — irrespective of org chart and reporting structures. This enables the new CEO to create a communication channel cutting through the organization. And hear the problems being faced by the end user through those that stand at the front line of the organization. At the end of it, doing a design thinking workshop as one of the first things put the CEO on a path to a hands-on leader. It also enables the CEO to get his list of priorities right.Read More UX Blogs


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