Difference between Interaction Designer, Visual Designer and Usability Expert — Continued

Difference between Interaction Designer, Visual Designer and Usability Expert — Continued

Difference between Interaction Designer, Visual Designer and Usability Expert — Continued
UX Design is a relatively new field which has rapidly gained importance and popularity for the development of digital products. Given its recent rise to the top as one of the most important aspects of digitalization there is still quite a bit of confusion regarding the different roles in the field of UX design. In this article, we will try to illustrate the difference between UX vs UI vs Research & Usability hopefully clearing some of the myths on the way.
1. UX/UI designer — UX and UI are not synonymous and there is nothing called a UX/UI designer. What is referred to as a UX/UI designer in the industry is often a generalist UX designer who can manage the end-to-end design process. Now, while this may work for a startup that is trying to save cost or smaller organizations still building the UX practice the industry trend is to hire specialists for different roles which we will outline in detail below.
2. UX designer a.k.a Interaction designer — These are the guys that are responsible for creating the design strategy and solution. 


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