User Experience in Retail Industry

User Experience in Retail Industry

User Experience in Retail Industry
Today the customer expectations are changing with the changing times. From fashion to retail to automobile, customers are expecting better shopping experience. Due to the ripple effect, if a customer has a great experience with a banking app, all of a sudden, he expects every retailer to offer something similar in terms of a digital wallet.
If we look back at the evolution of retail the experience of shopping for the customers have been changing on a regular basis. From a normal retail store to brand store to online shopping and now the experience stores.
The Next Big thing in retail: Experience Stores 
Retailers looking to cement customer loyalty in today’s digitized economy must create customer-centric shopping experiences. This requires a holistic strategy that uses emerging technologies to curate personalized customer experience journeys.
In an age where players like Flipkart, Amazon etc. are enabling people to purchase products with a tap of a button, brick-and-mortar retailers need to step up their game and offer experiences that people can’t get online or on their phone.


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