Career Development in 2020: How to Boost Growth


career development in 2020

Gone are the days when people were scared to start a new career. While there will still be people pointing it out to you, we are not backing down anymore! You don’t have to wait for a miracle or a new month or a new year to start something new. With the advancing technology, you can start a new career anytime you want. Be it on new years eve or 3 a.m on Thursday; you don’t have to look for a perfect time anymore. As long as you are dedicated and determined with what you want to do, the sky's the limit!

 You’d be surprised to know that many Institutes are available to help you kickstart a new life or update yourself with the changing trends. If you don’t wish to attend college, you can go for Certificate Courses that will help you understand the knicks and knacks of your desired field. We at Imaginxp offer the same as well in UX/UI Design. If you want to understand the changing trends and how the audience perceives design these days, you can join our Certificate Courses and learn new things anytime you want!

 We understand that starting something new and different can be tricky. So we have some tips that will help you understand where to start. Keep reading!

 Organize Yourself

The first and foremost thing is to clear your head. Organize yourself, make yourself a cup of coffee and sit down to make lists! Make two lists, first about what you want to achieve in the coming times and by when. Make your second list about all the reason why you wish to do it in the first place.

 Call it a dream list, and jot down things that you wish to do and the skills you have for the same. If UX/UI design is your calling, ask yourself questions, do you like technology? Do you like to understand human behaviour? Do you often find yourself sensitive to designs and patterns around you?

 Start Mapping

start mapping

Once you have set a base for yourself, it’s time to research. Google things that you want to know about. Like if you wish to go ahead with the Design, map out the different branches. Design is a broad heading and has many branches that you can go ahead with. Pick your branch. While you can learn as much as you wish, but it’s essential to have a firm forté in one.

 Motivate Yourself


Self-motivation is the key. When you are switching things up, it’ll be tough always to feel motivated. There will be days when you’ll feel like you can’t do it anymore. In days like these, go back to your second list where you wrote all the reasons as to why you wish to switch. It’ll help you keep track of how far you have come and how close you are towards your goal.

 Keep Gaps In Check

When you are doing something new, there will be specific gaps that you’ll have to overcome. While you cannot identify or predict all the gaps and shortcomings. But it’s good to find the ones you can and work on it.

 Expand Your Skills

More often than not, you will have some skills that are required for the career you are switching or upgrading yourself for. But if you don’t, it’s essential to learn. It’s essential to keep yourself open to new things. Especially, if you are going towards the UX/UI design field, you’d need to be open to new things, changing trends and feedback.

 Ask Questions

Ask Questions

It is common to have a million questions when you are trying something new. Nobody is expecting you to be an expert on your first day itself. So please keep your questions ready and don’t be hesitant to ask them.


As mentioned before, it’s crucial to keep yourself open for feedback; a significant part of it comes with listening. Listen to the people who are teaching you or giving you feedback. It’ll help you grow and move forward with your career. In the UX/UI design field where feedback holds the topmost priority, listening becomes even more critical as it will help you understand how they perceive your Design.


In the design field, you must talk to your fellow designers as well. Everyone will have a different vision towards designing, and talking to them will help you find yours as well. And who knows you might get inspired by whom?


Think Yourself As One

When you are changing your career, you are trying to blend yourself in the new line as well. So if you are going towards Design, think of yourself as a designer already. You’ll be able to identify designs and patterns everywhere you go. But don’t be too confident that you refrain from learning!


conclusion after reading career development in 2020

In the end, it all depends on how well you can adjust and learn in the new environment. Change is never easy, but it will be worth it. So if you are planning to do something, do it now. Plan it now. Start working on it now!

By Himanshi Gupta



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